Our Expertise
Among the orchid species, Phalaenopsis is a popular cut flower. This orchid’s improvement/multiplication is complicated and necessitates a high level of expertise and understanding. At PTS Laboratories, specialize in Phalaenopsis propagation and we only provide our clients with exceptionally high-quality de-flask plants as an experienced propagators.
PTS propagates varieties on assignment, some of which are patent protected. The overall tissue culture process is kept sterile and treated with complete confidentiality over your proprietary plant material. Any plant material left over after your order is completed will be destroyed. Protocols for mass propagation need to be tailored to species/genotypes. Every plant created using the PTS tissue culture process will bear all the desired characteristics of the parent plant and will also be similar in height and size. There are 3 different standards (S, M, and L) with 3 leaves and at least 2 roots.
We are confident that our quality percent extra is 0.8 percent, and we will guarantee that our clients will successfully plant more than the invoice amount. We also provide a free sample for the test run of 200-300 with the client’s supplied material, spike 12-14M, and cup after 10 months.
For shipment, we remove these tissue culture plants from the laboratory containers. We then thoroughly grade, count, and carefully repack before sending them to our clients. This bare-root shipping method can save 45-50% on freight costs and import tax for each of our clients.